Be a Hero,
Honor a Hero
Headland Main Street needs heroes. Support our downtown revitalization efforts by honoring your Headland Hero. By honoring your hero, you become our hero in supporting our efforts to breathe life back into Downtown Headland. Your contribution to our program funds projects such as free events, facade grants, promotional events and more.
Would you like to see a picture of someone special honored here?
Honor someone who’s life has been a positive influence. Do you know a coach, teacher, policeman, veteran, family member or business owner who has made an impact in your life, someone who has been dedicated to our community?
A banner with their picture and name of your hero will hang in our downtown for one month during January, February or March 2020, 2021 and 2022. For $300 you can let them know how much you appreciate them.
A card will be provided with a rendering of the banner to give to your hero. It would make an excellent gift!